Hiram E. Fitzgerald
Michigan State University
University Distinguished Professor
Associate Provost Emeritus

Biographical Abstracts
Hiram E. Fitzgerald (Ph.D., University of Denver) is University Distinguished Professor in the Department of Psychology at Michigan State University. Fitzgerald is past president and executive director of both the Michigan Association for Infant Mental Health and the International Association for Infant Mental Health, and past executive director of the World Association for Infant Mental Health. He was associated with the National Evaluation of Early Head Start and the Michigan Longitudinal Study of Family Risk for Alcoholism. Currently, he is a member of the Training Research Center for Tribal Early Childhood; the Native Children’s Research Exchange; and the advisory boards for the University of Nebraska Buffett Early Childhood Institute, the Oklahoma State University Center for Integrative Research on Childhood Adversity, and the Rocky Mountain Prevention Center.
Fitzgerald’s past editorial appointments include the Infant Mental Health Journal (editor), Child Development (associate editor), and Perspectives on Infant Mental Health (assistant editor). Currently he is associate editor of Adversity and Resilience Science. He is a Fellow of the Association of Psychological Science and the American Psychological Association. He is a recipient of the Zero to Three Dolley Madison Award for Outstanding Lifetime Contribution to the Development and Well-Being of Very Young Children.
Areas of Expertise
- Etiology of alcoholism and related psychopathology
- Fathers and early childhood development
- American Indian/Alaksa Native early childhood
- Systems models of community engagement
- Effects of adverse childhood experiences