John A. Saltmarsh
University of Massachusetts, Boston

Biographical Abstracts
John Saltmarsh is professor of higher education in the Department of Leadership in Education, College of Education and Human Development, at the University of Massachusetts, Boston. He publishes widely on community engaged teaching, learning, research, and organizational change in higher education, including the co-edited book with Mathew Johnson, The Elective Carnegie Community Engagement Classification: Constructing a Successful Application for First-Time and Re-Classification Applicants (2017); the co-edited book, Publicly Engaged Scholars: Next Generation Engagement and the Future of Higher Education (2016); the edited volume with Matthew Hartley, “To Serve a Larger Purpose”: Engagement for Democracy and the Transformation of Higher Education (2011); and with Edward Zlotkowski, Higher Education and Democracy: Essays on Service-Learning and Civic Engagement (2011). He is the co-author of the Democratic Engagement White Paper (NERCHE, 2009) and Full Participation: Building the Architecture for Diversity and Public Engagement in Higher Education (Columbia University Law School: Center for Institutional and Social Change, 2011).
Areas of Expertise
- Community engagement
- Culturally responsive pedagogy
- Organizational culture and change
- Faculty reward policies
- Epistemology and identity