Budd Hall
University of Victoria (Canada)
Professor Emeritus
Co-Chair, UNESCO Chair in Community Based Research and Social Responsibility in Higher Education

Biographical Abstracts
Budd Hall is co-chair of the UNESCO Chair in Community Based Research and Social Responsibility in Higher Education and professor emeritus of community development in the School of Public Administration, University of Victoria. He participated in the historic symposia on participatory action research organized by the late Dr. Orlando Fals Borda in Cartagena in 1977, 1997, and 2017 and was the founding director of the University of Victoria Office of Community-based Research. Former dean of the Faculty of Education at the University of Victoria, Hall has served as the chair of the Adult Education Department at the University of Toronto (1995-2001) and as secretary-general of the International Council for Adult Education. He has done both theoretical and practical work for over 40 years in various aspects of community-based adult education and learning and participatory research.
Hall has served as president, chair, or vice-president of the Canadian Association for the Study of Adult Education and the International Council for Adult Education. He is a member of the International Adult Education Hall of Fame and was selected for the 2005 Canadian Bureau of International Education Innovation in International Education Award. He was granted an honorary doctorate by St. Francis Xavier University in 2011. His most recent books include Learning and Education for a Better World: The Role of Social Movements (Sense Publishing); Knowledge, Democracy and Action: Community University Research Partnerships in Global Perspectives (Manchester University Press); World Report on Higher Education 5 (Global University Network for Innovation); Teaching and Learning Community Based Research (University of Toronto Press); and Strengthening Community University Research Partnerships: Global Perspectives (University of Victoria and PRIA Press).
Areas of Expertise
- Community based participatory research
- Social responsibility of higher education
- Social movement learning
- Adult education
- Community development