Sherril Gelmon
OHSU-PSU School of Public Health
Professor of Public Health and Director, Health Systems & Policy PhD Program

Biographical Abstracts
Sherril Gelmon is professor in the Oregon Health Sciences University–Portland State University School of Public Health and directs the Ph.D. program in Health Systems and Policy. She teaches graduate courses in health systems management and policy. She also conducts research on community health improvement, health professions workforce development, community-engaged scholarship, and community-university partnerships, and has been funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, the Northwest Health Foundation, the Oregon Health Authority, the U.S. Department of Education, and Community Campus Partnerships for Health. Substantial research projects include studies of Oregon’s Patient Centered Primary Care Home program; the Canadian Consortium for Neurodegeneration in Aging; Partners Investing in Nursing’s Future; the Community Engaged Scholarship for Health Collaborative; Community-Based Quality Improvement in Health Professions Education; and Health Professions Schools in Service to the Nation.
Through her research and teaching, Prof. Gelmon works with community agencies, health and social services providers, and graduate students to develop evidence of the impact of educational and health improvement interventions and assist in program improvement and policy development. Gelmon was the 2011 recipient of the Thomas Ehrlich Civically Engaged Faculty award from Campus Compact and was founding chair of the International Association for Research on Service-learning and Community Engagement. She received the University of Saskatchewan Distinguished Alumnus/a award in 2018. She received her doctorate in health policy from the University of Michigan; her master's degree in health administration from the University of Toronto; and undergraduate physiotherapy degrees from the Universities of Toronto and Saskatchewan.
Areas of Expertise
- Health policy
- Community-engaged scholarship
- Improvement science
- Program evaluation
- Partnerships and collaboration