Roger Rennekamp
Association of Public and Land Grant Universities/Cooperative Extension
Extension Health Director

Biographical Abstracts
Roger Rennekamp currently serves as health director for the Cooperative Extension section of the Association of Public and Land Grant Universities, where he focuses on building the capacity of land grant universities to improve the health and well-being of the nation through community engagement. Immediately prior, he served as director of Ohio State University Extension. Prior to coming to Ohio, he served as associate dean for outreach and engagement in the College of Public Health and Human Sciences at Oregon State University, and provided overall leadership to both the 4-H Youth Development (4-H) and the Family and Community Health (FCH) Extension programs. At Oregon State, he led an effort to build the nation’s first health-focus Extension program within an accredited school of public health. He also served as a member of the university’s Outreach and Engagement Council and led the institution’s effort to achieve the Carnegie elective classification for Community Engagement.
Rennekamp has spent the majority of his career at the University of Kentucky, where he served as an Extension specialist in the College of Agriculture, Food, and Environment. He has served on a wide array of national Extension work groups and taught both undergraduate and graduate courses in community engagement, program evaluation, leadership, and Extension education. He is a graduate of the Engagement Academy and has written broadly about outreach and engagement throughout his career.
Areas of Expertise
- Positive youth development
- Program development and evaluation
- Public health
- Strategic planning
- Organizational development