Academy of Community Engagement Scholarship (ACES)

Maria Whitford

Inducted in

Friends with Dignity

Chief Executive Officer

Photo of Maria Whitford

Biographical Abstracts

My family and I immigrated to Australia in 2010. I secured a job as a Clinical Nurse with Queensland Health within the correctional services. This is where my passion and vision to help people impacted by Domestic violence started.
Founded my original not for profit organization, Assist A Sista in 2012 that later evolved to become Friends with Dignity in 2015.

I am no stranger to violence, having experienced a horrific event whilst in South Africa, prompted my immigration.

Working full-time as a Clinical Nurse in the Addictions and Mental Health sector  broadened my knowledge and experience on how resilient people really are!

Through collaboration and community engagement, I know collectively we can make such a difference. I proudly Stand Up and Speak Out against Domestic and Family Violence.

I proudly lead, and jointly work with, equally passionate volunteers to make a difference to the lives of so many individuals. I am constantly inspired by people and in awe of their resilience.

Having been recognised in many awards and received acknowledgements from local members of council and government it is a true testament of how engaging a community can bring on positive change.

I constantly reflect on what I have created has been life changing, not only for the people we assist and support, but also to the volunteers, my family and the community.

One of my favourite African proverbs: "Alone you go faster, Together you go further"

Areas of Expertise

  • Domestic and family violence
  • Environmental sustainability
  • Mediation